It is time to purchase new winter tires or replace your wheels. Today both aluminum alloy wheels and steel options are available; which is a better pick for you?
Aluminum wheels come in a wide variety of styles and colours and can range in price greatly. Certain finishes like painted silver or black are better than others for winter driving. Steer clear from chrome applications for snow tires; chrome is a delicate finish and can easily become damaged by road salt. A finish like this will require regular maintenance throughout the year.
Steel wheels are the economical option. Due to their mass production, steel rims offer a lower price point. However, unlike alloy wheels, steel options come in very basic designs and often require hubcaps to achieve the same look as an aluminum wheel. Steel wheels do not require much maintenance.
Combatting winter weather can be tough on both Aluminum and Steel wheels; stop by our parts department to discuss the best solution for your winter tires!